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About Rajiv Misra

Prof. Rajiv Misra is an Associate Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India. He obtained his Ph.D degree from IIT Kharagpur, M.Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, and Bachelors of engineering degree in Computer Science from MNIT Allahabad. His research interests spanned a design of distributed algorithms for Mobile, Adhoc and Sensor Networks, Cloud Computing and Wireless Networks. He has contributed significantly to these areas and published more than 70 papers in high quality journals and conferences, and 2 book chapters. His h-index is 10 with more than 590 citations. He has authored papers in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Adhoc Networks, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.

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Rajiv Misra


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  • Dr.Rajiv Misra, IIT Patna