About Instructor


Prof. Vimal Chandra Srivastava (emails: vimal.srivastava@ch.iitr.ac.in, vimalcsr@yahoo.co.in) is currently serving as Institute Chair Professor and Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee, India. His major research interests are in Chemical & Environmental Engg., Wastewater Treatment, Solid waste management, and Valorization of spentadsorbents/catalysts/residues. He has authored >12 book chapters, >215 papers (>210 in ISI) in peer-reviewed journals, and more than 115 papers in conferences/seminars. He has received more than 11,700 citations (as per Scopus as of Dec. 2021) with an h-index of 52. He has guided 18 Ph.D. thesis, 10 more are in progress. In addition, he has guided 51 M.Tech. Dissertations. Prof. Vimal has several sponsored and consultancy projects (>10) to his credit with a total overlay of more than Rupees Sixty million (6 crores). He has also organized 11 short-term courses sponsored by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), India and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). He was awarded the prestigious International award “Prosper.Net-Scopus Young Researcher Award 2010 – First Runner-up Prize” held at Tongji University, Shanghai, China, on 5 July 2010. This award is sponsored by SCOPUS, United Nations University, and the International Bureau of BMBF, Germany. Prof. V.C. Srivastava has been awarded numerous Top National Awards like “NASI-Scopus Award 2018” by the National Academy of Science, India (NASI) & Scopus, “INAE Young Engineers Award 2012” by Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE); “INSA Young Scientist Medal 2012” by Indian National Science Academy (INSA) in the “Engineering Science Category”; “IE Young Engineer Award 2013” by Institution of Engineers, India in the “Environmental Engineering” division; “Amar Dye-Chem Award 2013”, “Hindustan Lever Benial Award for Outstanding Chemical Engineer of the Year 2020” “Sisir Kumar Mitra Memorial Award 2018” & “CSIR-NEERI Chemcon Distinguished Speaker (CDS) Award 2019” by Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE). Prof. Srivastava is a Young Associate of INAE; Member of American Chemical Society (ACS); Fellow of Institution of Engineers, India; Life Member of National Academy of Science, India (NASI), IIChE, Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) and Indian Society for Electro-Analytical Chemistry (ISEAC); and The Biotech Research Society, India (BRSI).

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  • Department of Chemical Engineering