
Honours in Immersive Experience TCS iON - July 2024

Immersive Experience

Enquire now: 9480223900

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Application closes in : 10-Apr-2024 Seats filling fast

18 Credits
270 Hours
Formative Assessment
Online Assignments

Why chose our Immersive Experience?

Accelerate your Career with an Honour Degree

Online | 18 Credits | Expert Lectures


What will you learn from the program?

Total Credits earned: 18 credits (across 3 courses and 270 hours of learning)

Key learnings: Intelligent game design principles, process, Game technologies, Rapid prototyping of game design, AR principles, Hardware and software for AR, Interaction design for AR, UNITY,

Remote internships

Learn Intelligent Game Design and its Applications, Augmented Reality and its Applications, Virtual Reality and its Applications

Project based industry assignments

Visibility to placement opportunities for successful candidates, subject to hiring criteria of corporates.


1. Intelligent Game Design and its Applications:
Intelligent Game Design and its Applications is a course that will give students a basic understanding of the principles to be followed in the play and mechanics of game design. They will get an orientation on the genres of games, serious games and their application in industry. They will also get to know the role of different technologies such as AR, VR and AI in game development. Students will gain a 360-degree understanding of the game design process and an opportunity to follow the process to create a rapid prototype on their own. The initial phase of the project will involve formulating a problem statement through user research. This could involve the use of paper and pencil or Google forms.

2. Augmented Reality and its Applications:
Augmented Reality Development and its Applications is a course that provides a detailed understanding of the concepts of AR and development of AR apps for different use cases, particularly with regards to Spark, Unity and Blender platforms. The course is designed as per the latest industry trends and equips students with the knowledge and skills that enable them to build AR apps for enhanced user experience. The course demonstrates the exponential value of this exciting technology.

3.Virtual Reality and its Applications:
Virtual Reality Development and its Applications is a course that provides a detailed understanding of the concepts of VR and development of VR applications for different use cases, particularly with regards to Unity and Blender platforms. The course is designed as per the latest industry trends and will equip students with the knowledge and skills required to build VR applications that provide an immersive experience for various use cases, thus demonstrating the exponential value this exciting technology brings to the table.

1.Intelligent Game Design and its Applications

Module 1: Definition of a Game and History of Game Design
  • Submodule 1: What is a game and where is it used?
  • Submodule 2: The game creator and the gamer, stakeholders and skill sets required in game design and development
  • Submodule 3: Different formats for games and the history of game design over the years
Module 2: Principles of Intelligent Game Design (Goals, Challenges, Feedback)
  • Submodule 1: Goals - needs, social interaction, recognition, success
  • Submodule 2: Challenges - risks, creating conflicts and obstacles
  • Submodule 3: Feedback - rewards, punishments
Module 3: Game Design and Development Process
  • Submodule 1: Process overview from goal setting to testing
  • Submodule 2: User study and research
  • Submodule 3: The big idea
  • Submodule 4: Game mechanics
  • Submodule 5: Storytelling and storyboarding
  • Submodule 6: Character design and development - heroes, enemies, and non-player characters (NPCs)
  • Submodule 7: Environment design and Level design
  • Submodule 8: Game prototyping and testing
Module 4: Game Technology (Game Engines, AR, VR, and AI)
  • Submodule 1: Game Engines - a contrast between Unity, Unreal, and Cry
  • Submodule 2: Application of AI and new technologies in gaming
Module 6: Applications of Games and Roles for Gaming Professionals
  • Submodule 1: Gaming Industry overview - role of games in entertainment, advertising, healthcare, education, social impact
  • Submodule 2: Skills sets and roles for game designers, developers and producers in the industry

2.Augmented Reality and its Applications:

Module 1: Introduction to Augmented Reality (AR)
  • Sub-module 1: Definition and scope
  • Sub-module 2: Types of augmented reality
  • Sub-module 3: Strong AR vs Weak AR
  • Sub-module 4: A Brief History of augmented reality
  • Sub-module 5: AR displays and tracking
  • Sub-module 6: Benefits of augmented reality
  • Sub-module 7: Applications of AR and future trends
  • Sub-module 8: Challenges in AR
Module 2: AR Hardware and Software
  • Sub-module 1: Sensory hardware
  • Sub-module 2: How does AR work?
  • Sub-module 3: AR and VR together?
  • Sub-module 4: Introduction to AR headset and smart glasses
  • Sub-module 5: Various AR software available
Module 3: Interaction design for AR environments
  • Sub-module 1: Interaction design process
  • Sub-module 2: Identifying user needs
  • Sub-module 3: AR design considerations
  • Sub-module 4: Typical AR Interface Metaphors
  • Sub-module 5: Affordances in AR
  • Sub-module 6: Human information processing
  • Sub-module 7: User experience (UX) guidelines for AR
  • Sub-module 8: UX challenges for AR
  • Sub-module 9: Evaluation of the developed AR
Module 4: Introduction to UNITY
  • Sub-module 1: Unity overview: windows, interface, navigation, terminology, game objects, hierarchy, parenting objects
  • Sub-module 2: Asset store, importing plug-ins
  • Sub-module 3: Creating a terrain, materials, colours, transparency
  • Sub-module 4: Introduction to monobehaviors: awake, start, update
Module 5: Introduction to Vuforia and physics in UNITY
  • Sub-module 1: Vuforia overview: interface, navigation, terminology, image targeting, custom images
  • Sub-module 2: Overview of physics in Unity
  • Sub-module 3: Introduction to scripting: terminology, creating objects, accessing components, debugging, lists, loops
Module 6: Expanding on Scripting and Interactions
  • Sub-module 1: Creating trigger events
  • Sub-module 2: Manipulating components in scripts
  • Sub-module 3: Programming interactions between objects and tracked images
  • Sub-module 4: Designing a simple user interface in AR
  • Sub-module 5: Navigating world space for objects and user
  • Sub-module 6: Introduction to colliders and their use: OnCollisionEnter, OnCollisionExit, OnCollisionStay
  • Sub-module 7: OnTrigger vs OnCollision
  • Sub-module 8: Rigidbodies and how Colliders report to them
Module 7: Augmented Reality, Empathy, And Ethics
  • Sub-module 1: Privacy and data security
  • Sub-module 2: Ethical and social concerns
  • Sub-module 3: Accessibility and equity
  • Sub-module 4: The Code of ethics on human augmentation
  • Sub-module 5: The Ethical challenges of AR
  • Sub-module 6: The Ethical Benefits of AR

3.Virtual Reality and its Applications:

Module 1: Introduction to Virtual Reality
  • Submodule 1: Introduction
  • Submodule 2: Essential VR features
Module 2: VR Hardware and Software
  • Submodule 1: Introduction to VR hardware
  • Submodule 2: Introduction to VR software
Module 3: Introduction to 3D Graphics
  • Submodule 1: Basics of 3D graphics
  • Submodule 2: Creating 3D objects
Module 4: Scripting Basics
  • Submodule 1: C-Sharp basics
  • Submodule 2: Unity scripting
  • Submodule 3: Vectors
Module 5: Creating a Virtual Environment
  • Submodule 1: Creating a virtual environment in Unity
  • Submodule 2: Applying physics
Module 6: Interactions in VR with Practical
  • Submodule 1: Type of interactions in VR
  • Submodule 2: UI interactions
  • Submodule 3: Interactive media elements
  • Submodule 4: Placing object at correct place
  • Submodule 5: Changing a 360 panorama
  • Submodule 6: Picking up items and manipulating it
Module 7: Locomotion in VR
  • Submodule 1: Motion sickness, tunnel vision
  • Submodule 2: Moving from one 360 to another
  • Submodule 3: Moving forward
  • Submodule 4: Moving along a path
  • Submodule 5: Teleporting
Module 8: How to Test Projects
  • Submodule 1: Build to phone
  • Submodule 2: How to share your work
Module 9: Exploring Where is VR Helpful
  • Submodule 1: Pre-Visualization of ideas
  • Submodule 2: Engineering
  • Submodule 3: Interactive movies
  • Submodule 4: Learning concepts of science
  • Submodule 5: VR for training
Module 10: Future of VR
  • Submodule 1: Future of interactions in VR
  • Submodule 2: Future of VR as location-based experiences
  • Submodule 3: Future of VR hardware

Honours Degree In Immersive Experience


Program Fee

Application Process

Upcoming Application Deadline

Admissons are closed once the requisite number of participants enroll for the upcoming cohort. Apply early to secure your seat.


Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a Honours Degree?

The Honours degree programme is designed to let the graduate engineering students to earn experiences to enhance themselves as professional engineers in the competitive world. Through this pr

How will this programme help students in building their proficiency?

This programme is envisaged to help build a strong foundation across various streams through digital lectures, formative and summative assessments, mini projects, mentorship from renowned ind

How is this programme different from other industry programmes?

This programme is designed to continuously make academic content more relevant to students by integrating industry inputs, which is a compelling need of the industry.

Will there be any internship and job opportunity provided through this programme?

Remote Internship opportunities will be offered to students who have completed their industry assignments, subject to vacancies and the corporate hiring policy. Successful students who have c


Still have queries?

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