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This course links engineering sciences with social and economic sciences under the frame of sustainability with focus on water resources management at river basin level. It will deliver the following themes:' Concept of sustainability;Hydrological and nutrient cycles; Social, ecological and economic factors influencing water resources; Water concepts such as water scarcity, virtual water; Planetary systems boundaries; Climate change; Management options and tools in sustainable river basin management; river restoration; supply and demand management; mainstreaming gender; communication and conflict management; data and information management; systems thinking and hydro-social modelling; land and water management best and worst practices are discussed
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VTU is one of the largest Technological Universities in India with 24 years of Tradition of excellence in Engineering & Technical Education, Research and Innovations. It came into existence in the year 1998 to cater the needs of Indian industries for trained technical manpower with practical experience and sound theoretical knowledge.