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Computer Science and Engineering
The course aims at equipping participants to be able to use python programming for solving data science problems
did u get any answer or certificate..?
did u get any answer or certificate..?
When will the assignment begin?
when can we expect the certificate?
Where can we download completion certificate or will we get directly to our mail ids?
Assignments are given or not?
Sir/Mam What about the Assignment and exam date?
When will they conduct exams
when are the exams
This whole thing is one scam, do not apply for any free courses since even after finishing course and quiz you will not get certificate. Only by paying 1k for exam and passing it we will get certificate, so it is not a free course. VTU is simply stealing NPTEL content and charging money for their own exam.
3 Reviews
3 months ago
5 months ago
This whole thing is one scam, do not apply for any free courses since even after finishing course and quiz you will not get certificate. Only by paying 1k for exam and passing it we will get certificate, so it is not a free course. VTU is simply stealing NPTEL content and charging money for their own exam.
9 months ago
Please provide assignment questions and quizes
VTU is one of the largest Technological Universities in India with 24 years of Tradition of excellence in Engineering & Technical Education, Research and Innovations. It came into existence in the year 1998 to cater the needs of Indian industries for trained technical manpower with practical experience and sound theoretical knowledge.
Where can we download completion certificate?